To register simply pick the class that fits your needs , fill out the information and your request has been recorded.
Once a year we need you to register your child. Click the forms tab to print out the required forms. Mail them to the address on the forms together with a check for the registration fee and your class fee. You can also take care of registration and payment during Registration day on August 25th at RGS.
More payment options will be available soon.
PM Care
2 days/week
Pick two days 3:20 - 6:00pm
This option is for families that need after school care two afternoons a week. Please make sure to specify days of the week when you register.
Price varies depending on month.
PM Care
3 days/week
Pick three days 3:20 - 6:00pm
This option is for families that need after school care three afternoons a week. Please make sure to specify days of the week when you register.
Price varies depending on month.
PM Care
4 days/week
Pick four days 3:20 - 6:00pm
This option is for families that need after school care four afternoons a week. Please make sure to specify days of the week when you register.
Price varies depending on month.
PM Care
5 days/week
3:20 - 6:00pm
This option is for families that need after school care five afternoons a week.
Price varies depending on month.
AM Care
Mo - Fr
7:30 - 8:20am
This option is for families that need help before school starts. Please make sure to specify days of the week when you register.
10 Time Pass
Mo - Fr
3:20 - 6:00pm
This option is for families that need flexibility. Please make sure to communicate directly with Kelly Bentley to make sure we have space for your child.